Mini Emergency Kit - TIVOLI

For that "oh NO!" moment on the big day.....or for any day, really.
our Mini Emergency Kit has you and your girls covered. The compact size fits in a small purse, and its the perfect take along for everyday "emergencies" too.
1 hinged silver tin (3.5" x2.5")
1 pack -Tylenol® (2 pills)
1 pack - Advil® (2 pills)
1 pack - Diotame (anti-nausea/heartburn)
1 pack - Diamode (anti-diarrhea)
1 Band-Aid®
1 Shout!® Clothes wipe
1 Moist Towelette
1 Nail Polish Remover wipe
1 Dental Floss pick
1 Mini Emory board
1 Mini Sewing Kit
2 strips fashion tape
1 elastic hair tie
3 hair pins (assorted sizes)
3 safety pins (mixed sizes)
2 earring backs
NOTE: This item can only ship to US addresses.